One of the most common obstacles to treatment compliance is ensuring that patients have an adequate supply of their medications at all times. For a variety of reasons, patients may suddenly realize that they are out of medications at an inconvenient time, call their pharmacy and are told that they are out of refills. In order to ensure patient safety, support adherence to their recommended dose and directions and ensure patient satisfaction, PsychCoverage views medication refill requests as a high priority issue. As a new client of PsychCoverage, you will receive our easy to use Standing Orders for Refill Authorizations sheet, which we use as our guide when responding to urgent refill requests from your patients.
Patients calling in with an urgent refill request are given our toll-free fax number and instructed to have their pharmacy fax us the refill request. Only after receiving a faxed refill request from the patient’s pharmacy, confirming a valid prescription is on file under your name and DEA number and that the date of request is in agreement with the last refill date, will we authorize a refill of the requested medication. Full or partial refills can be authorized according to your previously stated preferences. Patients are advised this is a one-time only refill, and that they will need to make an appointment to be seen by you in order to obtain any additional refills.
Early refill requests for medications that indicate a potential substance abuse issue are declined and patients are given information regarding the potential for withdrawal, and advised to make an appointment to be seen at the earliest possible time. Patients reporting signs of withdrawal are immediately directed to the nearest available ER or Urgent Care.
Given the anxiety, discomfort and risk associated with running out of medications we have found that our prompt action and reassurance makes this simple act of convenience and customer service the one that is most appreciated by patients and their families.